Would you like to keep your lawn looking healthy and beautiful always? If yes, appropriate mowing tips and timing is the ultimate secret. Although mowing may seem simple, it’s good to be careful since every time you cut your grass you are creating way for your lawn’s success or failure. If you time the mowing appropriately and mow correctly, your lawn will not struggle to survive. Which is the best time to cut grass?
Best time to mow your lawn:
i. Early morning – Are you thinking of mowing your lawn before leaving for work? This could be an appropriate time especially if you work from morning to evening. However, the sad bit is that the grass is still wet with dew in which case the mower will most likely rip the grass and destroy its beauty as well as its healing process. If you do not want to destroy the grass with diseases, mold and fungus growth, it’s important to avoid this time of the day.
ii. Mid-morning - Many people consider this as the most perfect time for mowing since the morning dew and sprinkled water has already dried off. The perfect cutting time is when the grass is dry and tall for a perfect and clean cut. At such time, the sun is not hot meaning the grass will heal faster unlike when it’s scorching hot.
iii. Mid-day – Cutting grass during the heat of the day is the worst thing you can do to yourself and to your grass. If you are not interested in killing your lawn, then you should avoid cutting the grass when it’s photosynthesizing and utilizing its water supply. Choose the cool hours of the day.
iv. Mid-afternoon – Do you want to scorch and stress yourself in the hot afternoon? Although the temperatures have somehow dropped, mowing at this time will strain your lawn considerably. If you love your lawn, avoid cutting grass at this time of the day.
v. Late afternoon – If mid-morning is not a good timing for you, you should try late afternoon when temperatures have dropped and evening dew has not collected. Again, at this time you will care for your body since you will have some time to recover before sunset.
vi. Early evening – During this time, the temperatures have gone down considerably meaning you nor will the grass be stressed. However, this is not the best timing because your lawn won’t have enough time to heal before the night falls when infections and diseases tend to attack the grass. You should therefore avoid this time at all costs.
Mowing tips
Although choosing the right time is highly important for a perfect looking lawn, having these tips will make your work a lot easier.
1. Do not cut it too short
Are you aware that a scalped lawn is vulnerable to weed infestation and diseases? When you cut the grass too short, you expose soil which is a great contributor to weed success. In addition, a sparse lawn gives sunlight an opportunity to reach the weed seedlings and give them a boost. The final result is a spoilt lawn, with a poorly developed root system and more susceptible to damage from high temperatures and drought.
2. Keep the mower blade sharp
How does it feel to work with a blunt knife or object? A sharp blade cuts grass neatly while a blunt blade creates a jagged and uneven lawn. In addition, it tears grass which paves way for pests and diseases to enter the grass blades. As a result, it is very important to sharpen the blades before mowing to avoid destroying the beauty and reduce the chances of pest infestation.
3. Wet or dry grass?
Is it best to mow a wet or dry lawn? Mowing a wet lawn doesn’t yield the best results since wet grass fills and jams the mower deck creating an uneven cut. Mowing in damp soil increases the chances of wheel ruts and torn up grass. In addition, mowing wet grass consumes more battery power. It is therefore best to conclude that one should lawn when the grass is dry or well watered for a clean and neat cut and to save the extra battery changing costs.
4. Don’t mow during the heat of the day
Always ensure that you mow during morning hours, evening hours or during the cooler part of the day. This is because, during hot hours of the day, grass has higher chances of losing more water and recovering much more slowly. Mow grass in the shade because it loses less water. Don’t stress the grass and yourself. Time appropriately!
5. Stick to the 1/3 rule
Never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade length at any time while mowing. This helps to keep the grass healthy and well maintained. When you remove more than 1/3, you expose the soil underneath increasing the chances of pest infestation and diseases. Moreover, the top 1/3 of the blade grass is leafy and thin and decomposes fast when cut. In addition, this layer can contribute to some sufficient amount of the nitrogen that your lawn needs.
6. Pattern of mowing
Are you aware that when you mow in the same pattern or direction you risk compacting soil and creating ruts? The sad bit is that, ruts and compacted soil causes unhealthy grass and increases the chances of weed infestation. To avoid this, do not mow in the same direction or follow the same pattern.
7. Mowing on a slope
Do you want to enjoy this holiday season without injuries? If so, then avoid mowing a slope when it is wet. This is because, wet grass creates slippery footing that can cause serious injuries. When mowing a slope, always ensure you mow across and not up and down. If the slope is too steep, consider replacing the grass with an alternative or low maintenance ground cover.
8. Type of mower
If you are looking for an efficient and stress free mower, consider a battery-powered model for fume-free and gas free option. This is simply because; most battery mowers have sufficient power to cut yards at an average height. Choosing the right type of mower makes your job easier and less costly. If you are mowing on extensive yards, consider getting a model that allows you to remove the battery for charging.
These lawn mowing tips coupled with proper timing will give you a perfect and neat lawn. Don’t spoil your beautiful lawn, be responsible.
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